Join 'Lawmakers With and For Nature'


for a Sustainable New Europe!

Be a protagonist of change yourself, helping us with your contribution to make Europe more sustainable and greener!

It is now well-known that the environment in which we are immersed has an impact on us, our well-being, and our ability to act. Specifically, referring to the political and institutional world, it can be hoped that building a connection with nature may contribute to more informed legislation in this regard.

Following this idea, we have begun to develop 'Nature Calls Nature' and the 'Lawmakers With and For Nature' project with the goal of immersing legislators in Nature, starting with the European Parliament. This is not only for its symbolic value in a Europe seeking its political identity but also for its operational role: it is the place designated for drafting laws that, to be truly effective and in defense of Nature, must be written by individuals who have a genuine connection with Nature.

Join us with your ideas and help us build a more sustainable and greener Europe!